Thursday, May 31, 2012

Article #1: Germany, in Reversal, Will Close Nuclear Plants by 2022

Germany, in Reversal, Will Close Nuclear Plants by 2022

The Government headed by Angela Merkel decided in May of 2011 close all of the nation’s nuclear power plants in almost 11 years. It was an unexpected change in the Angela’s Merkel government and this decision was taken because of the disaster of Fukushima Japan. This plan may help to promote the use of renewable resources. But many disadvantages found are; the decrease of the economic growth, increase or inflation in the price of all the energy all along the continent. “…Germany consumes nearly half of the total electricity supply.” That’s what Judy Dempsey and Jack Ewing said. So this means that it won’t be an easy work.

Many ecological people that belong to associations were glad about Angela’s Merkel decision, “…The embrace of clean energy represents a transformation based on the politics of the ballot box.” According with Judy Dempsey and Jack Ewing. So this is a kind of advantage to Angela Merkel.

If the plan is not as it was prepared, that means if there are not enough alternative sources of energy the nuclear energy plants will be kept producing till the 2022 year. In total, Germany has 17 reactors and 8 of them are not working.

In my opinion this article I very interesting and has many points of views; for example the advantages are that if the nuclear energy plants are closed it will be less susceptible to live a tragedy as the Fukushima’s and is also a good way to reutilize the natural resources.

The disadvantages that I found in the shut of nuclear plants are; that they would have to import energy of anyway from France and that will be pretty hard, that at the same time equals to an increase on the price. So the idea it’s ok, is pretty friendly with the environment, but they would have to invest a lot of money if they want this project working perfectly. What is clear in this article is that to get this project is necessary to work hard and use as many resources as they can to replace in some way the work that the nuclear plants do.

NY Times Article

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