Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blog #5: German profile

Germany overview

“Germany is Europe's most industrialized and populous country.” According to BBC News.

Germany is considered a global potency because of its domination in many aspects; the most important is the good relation that maintains between many countries around the world that at the same allows the commerce among these countries that helps to increase the economic land, and that’s the way the world works, every little thing is related with other and successively. The second aspect that is a reason why Germany is a huge country is the scientific and technological achievements.

The events that were fundamental to the creation of this strong country were The World War I and II, because they made of Germany a united and strong country to survive at the Cold War, that was important to fortify the union between the two parts of Germany. And that’s almost the way that Germany grew up and became the continent’s economic giant. All its experiments were the results of applying its knowledge, of questioning themselves and what was around them.

My conclusion is that Germany is a country with Post-modernism, because of its technological and scientific discoveries “…is particularly famed for its high-quality and high-tech goods.” They’ve got many accomplishments that are proved, that means that they have the enough experience to do new contributions to the scientific and technologic world. Also is important to remark that Germany has a modern system of managing economy, in few words, they have a government that is prevented for all kind of situations.


Germany profile. (2012, March 13). In BBC News. Retrieved June 12, 2012, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-17299607

"Caracteristicas generales del país de Alemania". (2008, April 27). In Yahoo! Answers. Retrieved June 12, 2012, from http://es.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080427181615AAgSJgP

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