Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Global perceptions of Colombia

A stereotype is an image that other people have of a certain thing, usually  exagerated. This term is used to show all the strengths and weaknesses, for example of a country.

Colombia is located in the Andean part of South America, near Brazil, Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador. Colombia is a country in development, which is looking for a better way of life. First of all i`m going to talk about the stereotypes that the people from different countries have of Colombia.

The Colombian people are related to drugs because they have the major drug dealers all over South America. This stereotype became from the increase of drug trade in 2010. The people are also known by the facility to get angry, they tend to be aggressive, and they are not tolerant. Another point is that they love the music, specially the merengue. The Colombian people are hard workers, and they like their jobs well done.

The people not only judge the people, also they judge the places they visit. They say that Colombia is a bad place to live because there is a lot of delinquency, and a lot of people are kidnapped, specially foreign people. This cause a bad reputation to the country and also causes that the foreign people be afraid to know Colombia.

After studying the behaviour of the Colombians and their country, in my opinion the Colombian people are not aggresive and not all of them are drug dealers. They are relaxed and funny people, and we have to learn to don’t  judge them before we meet them.

To conclude, I think that every people from Colombia are different, so we have to be respectful with other countries and not to judge them. Also we have to learn about their country and try to find a good reason to visit them because it is a beautiful place.

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