Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Colombia go down in global ranking

          Power can be defined as the way you want things to work. It is when you decide what other persons have to do. To say in simple words it is the influence you have on other people. This is an example of how the bad use of power can affect a country.
          In recent days Colombia`s competitiveness has dropped in global ranking. Which means that Colombia fell down in the global ranking according to the Switzerland’s international business school. Colombia fell from the 46th to the 52th place, from the 59 countries this list has. This is a very bad thing because this means that the economic power in that country is not working correctly. If Colombia continues like that, he could fell into an economic recession. Which means that the economic activity will decrease. The principal countries in this list are Hong Kong, Switzerland and the United States with a very strong and solid economy. In another ranking Colombia ranked ahead Argentina, Venezuela and Mexico with a better economy than other American countries.

           Also in another survey Colombia was ranked in the 50th position, which says that Colombia needs a new economical reform, which is urgent to raise the economy.

           The survey also shows that the attitudes towards reform were increasingly negative in Latin American countries because the countries don`t want to raise their economy because they want more money for them and they don't want to inverst in the countrie. I think this is very selfish because that money should be invested in necessary things like more hospitals or schools.  

            To conclude, I think that Colombia has to reform a new economy based on the facts and the results that they have. I think that they need new people who know how to do their work and to know how to lift up the economy. I also choose this news to show that not all the power is correctly used, and that also the power can be wasted in another things and in not what they should.

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