Monday, June 18, 2012

Photomontage Scandinavia

           My photomontage represents the perception of the Scandinavian countries. Indeed, countries, which composed this part of the world, are Norway, Sweden, Island and Greenland. Through this collage of photos, we can better understand these countries.

At the top of the poster, we can find a beautiful landscape, which represents a snowy mountain with a beautiful lake. We can also find other mountain landscapes in this photomontage. These landscapes are typical of the northern countries and they are known to be cold countries, with snow and mountains. I placed a person-playing hockey, one of the national sports in these countries, which would hit dollars to multiply themself. I refer to the economy of these countries, which, is known to be efficiency. We can also find the words Perfect and Economy, which emphasizes this idea. Top right of the poster, we see the sentence The Money Issue, which translates as an award for these countries. We know that in these countries, there are few poor people and that most residents are quite wealthy. We also see the Vikings, one of the stereotypes of these Scandinavian countries. There is also a little girl who rides her bike in a snowy mountain. Fishing is a national hobby throughout these countries. The sign in the middle and the photo, which the bear is fishing, represent well this idea.  We also find a pretty blonde woman, which is a stereotype of the Scandinavian countries with a dollar in the eye to emphasize the idea of rich countries. Common law and Health are present in this poster because these countries have economies that take care and consider about their residents. Health and economy are one of keys to success in these countries, as showed the smiley, the coin and sign against stress.

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