Monday, June 11, 2012

Transitions in Nuclear Power for Japan

 Picture of the people who protesting about what the prime 
minister is planning to do.

                Because of a recent tragedy that occurred in post-Fukushima nuclear accident, Japan is going through transitions. These transitions will allow them to reduce the risk of losing people’s lives. They started to look for alternatives and strong regulations to the nuclear power. However, the prime minister is trying to convince them to restart the nuclear program.

                There are many alternatives and regulations that the Japanese have thought about after the accident. First, they were questioning whether it’s a natural disaster or it’s because of the nuclear power. That’s why, a year later from Fukushima many nuclear reactors stopped their nuclear power production. Furthermore, they stated to import more oil and increase their oil industry. As a n alternate that will keep them safe from such dramatic disasters to recur again in Japan.

                On the other side, Japan’s prime minister and few insiders disagreed strongly with the regulations of stopping the nuclear industry. Along with few experts that claimed “the plant had ample warning, including from its own engineers.” Although the Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan said last month that Japan could survive without nuclear industry, Prime Minister Mr.Noda said that “Japanese society cannot function if we stop or try to do without nuclear power generation, which has supplied 30 percent of our electricity.” The people recognize that Mr.Noda wants to restart the tragedies that happened to his people. All of that for the political power omitting the fact that this will hurt his people.

                In conclusion, Japan now is between two options that might create a dilemma or a revolutions in the up-coming days. Find alternatives, which will be safer for the people or restart the nuclear program that will lead to a higher death statistics in the future. Which one they will agree and proceed on? We don’t know yet.

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