Monday, June 18, 2012

Photomontage Iraq

The photomontage I made is a collage for the area of ​​the world called the Perosphère. This area is composed of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. All these countries have a rather negative connotation in the minds of European and American. We think they are at war all the time and that's what I tried to represent in this photomontage. First I place a veiled woman. I added a mouth having a leg blown off by a mine to show that you do not know if they are dangerous or not. I also put a soldier for the military presence, which is very strong in this country. Also represented by the American flag, automatic weapons and knives. These soldiers are scarred for life by what happens in this region. This way of being hit is represented by the white man holding a rifle and a knife and being tainted with blood. I also disposed of Afghan civilians who are fighting to preserve their countries from military forces. These men are on the bottom left and fight to prevent any home is destroyed as the top left with a destroyed building and the word “dead”. The word “dead” is basically what is happening with hundreds of civilians who die every day from flying bomb. These bursts of bombs shatter lives and entire families. The word ”rocket” that breaks a heart in two represents this tear. I also added a lot of smoke because many things are burning now in Iraq. The oil wells are on fire, houses are on fire, and some people sacrifice themselves to show their displeasure. I also completely burn the bottom of the page in order to show that everything is burning and my paper feels that too. Finally on the right you can see the faces of a man and woman who seem clueless about the situation and who cannot act.
I tried to do a photomontage pretty realistic of what happens in Perosphère. I put the red to show violence and blood, because this region is experiencing a real ordeal. This is what I wanted to show through this collage as accurately as possible.

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