José Luis Castañeda
The Soviet Union or USSR was a unification
of states between Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Estonia and other neighbor countries
that in total made fifteen
constituent republics. It was a big world power with a communist / socialist
ideology based on equality and justice. The capital of all these fifteen countries
was Moscow so most of the USSR power, economy and bases were established on
formation of the USSR was all ready a change for Russia it was the product from
the revolution and the rise of Bolsheviks power, then it became a unified nation
that represents the communism. In the World War II the Germans decided to
invade the Soviet Union and started and new armed conflict with the Allies. After
the World War II the cold war began and the rivalry between United States of America
and USSR started. They both wanted to impose, influence and control the world
with their own ideology.

So from being fifteen unified countries most of the USSR became
and independent country called Russian Federation this was a enormous change
not only for the countries that formed the USSR but is also affects every
single neighbor country and to Europe, America and Asia. This huge transition
for a single communist party to a multi party representative democracy was incredible
difficult for the politicians, police, bureaucracy, civilians, etc and took a
long time to establish and star working as an independent country.
Information was taken from this links
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